Wednesday, 12 November 2008

The Correct Way to Train Abs

In yesterdays post I said that situps were a waste of time for losing bellyfat and not only that they're not great for spine health.

So here's the correct way to train the abdominals.

Beginners need to focus on stability and then build endurance.
so that means;
Glute bridges-build up to holding for 2 minutes
Front Planks-build up to holding for 2 minutes
Side Planks-build up to holding for 1.5 minutes
Birddogs 2 x12 each side. I personally prefer to hold each position for 1 minute.

Once you've mastered the above you can move it up a gear.
Front plank on stability ball.
Stability ball roll outs.
Stability ball jackknives.
Mountain climbers.

Barbell rollouts.
Cross-body mountain climbers.
Cross-body stability ball jackknives.
Cable wood choppers.
Spider man press ups.

This list is by no means exhaustive. There's many exercises not included,but try these and you'll get great results.

It's also important to include whole body abdominal exercises; exercises which are not ab specific , but will still involve using the abs to a great degree, I'll discuss these tomorrow.

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