Friday, 19 December 2008

Prevent Flu This winter?

For the last two weeks it seems as though every man and his dog has been ill with this cold and flu virus going around.

Not me though, whilst my wife was laid up in bed with flu, my son had a cold and conjunctivitis, my mother in-law had a week off work with flu and every friend on Facebook seemed to be suffering, I was thriving.

At the end of November I started Dax Moy's Elimination Diet. Now I can't prove it, but I think it's no co-incidence that I started a diet that called for LOTS of clean filtered water, plenty of fruit, veg, raw nuts and organic meats and I didn't fall ill.

So my tips for avoiding the flu this winter;

  1. Plenty of clean filtered water-I'm drinking 1 litre per 50lbs of bodyweight.
  2. Several servings a day of fruit and veg-preferably organic, plenty of vitamins, minerals and immune boosting anti-oxidants.
  3. Raw unsalted nuts-plenty of essential fats.
  4. Organic meat-none of the poor quality meat fed on corn and pumped full of steroids, growth hormones and antibiotics.
  5. Get some exercise-not too much, you don't want over train and suppress your immune system.
Simple, but oh so effective.

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